Zoom Webinar
Join the latest webinar in our Advocates & Allies series to learn more about work being done to maximise human rights and reduce barriers for people in NSW, including those living with mental health and coexisting conditions. This event includes an update on the development of the National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy.
Thursday 20 July
10:45am – 12:15pm
Karyn Bartholomew from Anti-Discrimination NSW will talk about the work of the Commission and its role in eliminating discrimination and promoting equality and equal treatment for everyone in NSW, including by resolving enquiries and complaints, raising awareness about discrimination and its impacts, and taking action to influence change.
Dr Michelle Blanchard is Executive Director of Strategic Projects at the National Mental Health Commission. Michelle leads the development of the National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy and will share insights into the development of the Strategy as well as navigating complexity in addressing stigma and discrimination.
Tim Heffernan is an experienced consumer peer worker and Deputy Commissioner Mental Health Commission NSW. Tim is co-Chair of the National Mental Health Commission’s National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy Steering Committee.
There will be an opportunity to engage in a Q&A session hosted by Mental Health Coordinating Council CEO Dr Evelyne Tadros.
Karyn Bartholomew
Manager of Enquiries & Conciliation, Anti-Discrimination NSW, Department of Communities and Justice
Dr Michelle Blanchard
Executive Director of Strategic Projects, National Mental Health Commission
Tim Heffernan
Deputy Commissioner, Mental Health Commission of New South Wales
Book your place at this free sector development event.