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About the sector

The community managed mental health sector is a key provider of mental health services and supports to people in the community.

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Annual Reports

Find detailed information on the work we do to support the community managed mental health sector.

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Latest news

Catch up on all the latest news and stories from the community-based mental health sector.

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Sector events

Discover a range of ways to connect and learn through our events, forums and talks.

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Mental Health Rights Manual

An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Feeling safe and empowered to speak up in the workplace is even more important for mental health settings.

See the guides

Mental Health Peer Navigation

New accredited training for peer workers to support consumers with navigating the mental health system for their recovery journey.

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Customised training

Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.

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Our members

Our members are community managed mental health organisations, large and small, local and NSW-wide service providers.

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Become a member

Join a strong network of community-based mental health organisations delivering better outcomes for people in New South Wales.

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Elective subjects

HLTAAP001 – Healthy body systems

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work with basic information about the human body and to recognise and promote ways to maintain healthy functioning of the body.

This unit applies to any worker who needs to use and interpret information that includes references to client anatomy and physiology.

CHCCCS040 – Support independence and wellbeing

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to provide individualised services in ways that support independence, as well as physical and emotional wellbeing.

This unit applies to workers in a range of community services contexts who provide frontline support services within the context of an established individualised plan.

HLTWHS006 – Manage personal stressors in the workplace

This unity describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain health and wellbeing by presenting and managing personal stress.

This unit applies to work in a range of health and community service settings, in particular work roles that operate in high stress situations and circumstances.

CHCGRP001 – Support group activities

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to participate in, and provide general support for, group work. It does not include the leadership or facilitation of groups.

This unit applies to individuals involved in group work in a range of community service settings. They work according to established organisation procedures.

BSBPEF402 – Develop personal work priorities

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to plan and prioritise own work tasks. It also addresses the skills and knowledge to monitor and obtain feedback on personal work performance.

This unit applies to individuals who are required to design their own work schedules and work plans and establish priorities for their work. They will typically hold some responsibilities for the work of others and have some autonomy in relation to their own role.

CHCCCS019 – Recognise and respond to crisis situations

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to recognise situations where people may be in imminent crisis, and then to work collaboratively to minimise any safety concerns and make plans to access required support services.

This unit applies to any community service workers involved in crisis intervention. Management of the crisis may involve face-to-face, telephone or remote contact with persons involved.

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