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The community managed mental health sector is a key provider of mental health services and supports to people in the community.

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Mental Health Rights Manual

An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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Recovery Oriented Language Guide

Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.

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Registered training

Build on your lived experience or on-the-job experience and receive a nationally recognised qualification.

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Customised training

Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.

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Our members

Our members are community managed mental health organisations, large and small, local and NSW-wide service providers.

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Join a strong network of community-based mental health organisations delivering better outcomes for people in New South Wales.

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Additional submission to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the Equity, Accessibility and Appropriate Delivery of Outpatient and Community Mental Health Care in NSW: A new model of care

Mental Health Coordinating Council’s joint submission with member organisation Uniting, asks the Committee to consider an evidence-based best practice model of care that integrates mental health care with general practice, delivered by the community-managed mental health (CMO) sector. This model of care addresses many of the objectives contained in recent State and Commonwealth reviews and will help fill the service delivery gaps identified. We have drawn on the research by Dr Paul Fung (Uniting) in his Churchill Fellowship paper, More is not better, better is better: A blueprint for an integrated and connected primary care system that delivers better mental health and wellbeing for all and Uniting NSW/ACT’s Integrated Primary Care pilot at Hornsby GP Unit.

June 2024


NSW Pre-Budget Submission

In its submission MHCC advocate four overarching budget priorities related to CMO services. These are by no means ‘new asks’ but are long overdue investments that have become increasingly urgent in what is a dynamic service delivery environment stretched to its limit. Services must be staffed by a skilled and sustainable workforce that has the capacity to grow and meet future demands across a diversity of clinical, support and peer roles. MHCC also highlights supporting people to stay well, thrive and meet their aspirations in the community; ensuring safe transitions from acute inpatient settings to community and minimise admissions and re-admissions; and supporting MHCC’s capacity to remain a strong membership organisation to ensure a growing and sustainable mental health CMO service sector.

February 2024


Submission to Inquiry into the Equity, Accessibility and Appropriate Delivery of Outpatient and Community Mental Health Care in NSW

In this submission, Mental Health Coordinating Council provides feedback from the sector on issues raised by the terms of reference. Our submission is based on perspectives provided by survey contributors and covers equity of access, navigation of services, workforce capacity, the cultural safety of services, service integration and other key concerns and gaps.

September 2023


Submission on the Disability Services and Inclusion Bill

A coalition of peak bodies from around the country, including Mental Health Coordinating Council, has voiced concerns over the new Australian Disability Services and Inclusion Bill. The group presented their submission on the new legislation through Community Mental Health Australia. In the submission the peaks call for a  specific definition of psychosocial disability be included in the legislation and for a broadening of the eligible activities funded to include recovery supports and capacity building


August 2023


Submission to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Review

In this submission, Mental Health Coordinating Council provides a response to the NDIS Review. MHCC’s submission supports a submission made by the Australian Psychosocial Alliance, a group of organisations delivering specialist mental health and psychosocial support services. Our submission draws out additional areas of interest, including issues around regulated and unregistered providers, workforce issues and concerns around gaps in the availability of Tier 2 Psychosocial Support Programs.


June 2023


Submission to the Independent Review of the Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act

Mental Health Coordinating Council provided comments as part of a review, conducted by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, into the Ageing and Disability Commissioner Act 2019. The Act is designed to help protect vulnerable adults with disability and older people from abuse, neglect and exploitation. The review is looking at whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and if the terms used in the Act are still appropriate to help meet its objectives. Subject to a few amendments and additions, MHCC believes the Act is fit for purpose.

December 2022


Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care – Accreditation to the National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations – December 2022

Following consultation with our members, MHCC provided feedback to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care consultation process. Key points from our response include, the compliance burden CMOs face and the importance of ensuring the Commission continues to work with other agencies to monitor and mitigate the regulatory burden related to the standards, as well as advocate mutual recognition of standards where possible, and the costs associated for CMOs with undertaking implementation and the accreditation processes.

December 2022


Joint Standing Committee’s Inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency

Mental Health Coordinating Council has provided a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s Inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The submission includes responses from a survey with our members about their experience of the NDIA, which reflects the difficulties community managed organisations and participants have faced over the last few years including the limited understanding of the needs of people living with psychosocial disability.

October 2022


National Disability Advocacy Framework 2022 – 2025: Submission

In this submission, Mental Health Coordinating Council expresses support for the draft National Disability Advocacy Framework. The Framework is a simple and succinct basis for governments to work towards the alignment of advocacy services and standards to improve outcomes and access for people with disability.

May 2022


NSW Budget Mental Health Investment Priorities 2022 – 2023

This submission sets out four top investment priorities for the NSW Budget 2022-2023.

  • 5,000 additional housing and accommodation support packages for people living with a mental health condition.
  • 13 new ‘Step-up Step-down’ prevention and recovery programs to establish a State-wide service.
  • 10 new specialist youth services across NSW to increase the availability of psychosocial support for young people.
  • Urgently address the significant workforce shortages in the community-based mental health workforce, including developing the peer workforce.


February 2022


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