Zoom Webinar
Join the latest webinar in our Advocates & Allies series – Human Rights: More than words and good intentions.
What would an Australian Human Rights Act mean for the community-managed mental health sector? With a proposed Human Rights Act under consideration nationally and in several states and territories, there has been an increased focus on integrating human rights into practice in mental health and human services. This webinar is an opportunity to explore the implications for service providers in adopting a human-rights approach when working directly with people experiencing mental health challenges.
Featuring three experts in the field, we delve into the tensions, challenges and opportunities that a Human Rights Act may present for the community mental health sector.
Monday 16 September 2024
11:00am-12:15pm (AEST)
There will also be an opportunity to engage in a Q&A session hosted by Mental Health Coordinating Council CEO, Dr Evelyne Tadros.
Terry Carney AO
Emeritus Professor, Law School University of Sydney
Terry Carney AO is Emeritus Professor at the Law School University of Sydney, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and a past President (2005-2007) of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health.
Dr Piers Gooding
Associate Professor, La Trobe Law School
Dr Piers Gooding is an Associate Professor at La Trobe Law School whose work focuses on mental health law, policy, and practice. He is the author of A New Era for Mental Health Law and Policy: Supported Decision-Making and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2017).
Professor Sharon Lawn
College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University
Executive Director, Lived Experience Australia
Professor Lawn is the Executive Director of Lived Experience Australia with over 24 years of Lived Experience advocacy and similar period as a mental health researcher focused on consumer and family perspectives and experiences of healthcare systems.
Book your place at this free sector development event.