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Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
Read moreRecovery Oriented Language Guide
Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.
See the guide
Join MHCC for the first in a series of interactive webinars on the agencies, programs and processes that form the mental health system in NSW.
This series is for anyone working in mental health who wants to build advocacy skills to support people with mental health conditions to navigate a complex service system.
On 17 September MHCC welcomes Jane Probert, Director Resolution & Customer Engagement, and Jennie Wright, Stakeholder & Engagement Officer, from the Health Care Complaints Commission in the first webinar of the series.
Discussion will cover the role of the Health Care Complaints Commission, the complaints process and how workers can support people who have concerns about their health care.
Build on your knowledge of the system to support self-advocacy and independence for the people you work with.
MHCC invites everyone working in mental health, peer workers, carers and supporters to join us for this free series.