Mental Health Coordinating Council welcomed the opportunity to respond to consultations on the development of National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for community managed organisations.
The standards are being developed by the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care in consultation with community managed organisations (CMOs) peak bodies, consumers, carers, healthcare providers, professional bodies, Primary Health Networks and other representatives of the sector.
The objective of the new set of standards is to promote best practice and improve the quality of care delivered to consumers, carers and their support networks by CMOs.
It is expected that these proposed draft standards will be released for further consultation in the second half of 2021. MHCC stressed the importance of providing sufficient time for further consultation with the sector.
It is important to note that the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care cannot mandate or authorise accreditation.
Nevertheless, it may be that some of our members’ funders will require alignment to the standards as a required KPI and they could become a necessary part of accreditation processes that are undertaken by most CMOs.
MHCC is keen to see the standards as a quality imperative something the sector would adopt voluntarily.
MHCC conducted a consultation with member organisations to commented on the questions posed in ACSQHS’s consultation paper in its submission.
To read MHCC’s submission click here
Community Mental Health Australia, the coalition of the eight state and territory mental health CMO peak bodies, has also provided a submission. It includes the CMO sector’s understanding of the current opportunity to develop a fit for purpose new safety and quality standard designed specifically for the CMO sector.
It includes a checklist of recommended high-level principles to guide the development of the new standards.
To read Community Mental Health Australia’s submission click here