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Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
Read moreRecovery Oriented Language Guide
Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.
See the guideMHCC is in regular contact with NSW and Australian government agencies regarding the impact of COVID-19 on community mental health organisations. We are consulting members to understand your concerns and issues and it will be helpful to our advocacy efforts to have some more detailed information about the issues you are confronting in these unprecedented times.
We ask you to complete the following short questionnaire with your best estimates. It may not be possible for you to answer each question but any information you can provide will be helpful. We realise organisations are extremely busy and we do not wish to add to your burden, but this information will assist MHCC to advocate more effectively on your behalf.