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Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
Read morePsychological Safety in the Workplace
Feeling safe and empowered to speak up in the workplace is even more important for mental health settings.
See the guidesMental Health Peer Navigation
New accredited training for peer workers to support consumers with navigating the mental health system for their recovery journey.
Read moreCustomised training
Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.
Read moreThis resource was developed with BEING Mental Health Consumers, service providers and people affected by mental health conditions.
The Recovery Oriented Service Self-Assessment Toolkit (ROSSAT) was psychometrically validated in partnership with University of Sydney. It includes a consultancy service to help organisations improve recovery oriented practice through comprehensive on site assessment, recommendations, planning and implementation.
We provide a consultancy service to help organisations improve recovery oriented practice.
1. Assessment
Organisations will be offered the opportunity to have a ROSSAT Assessment undertaken to determine their current level of recovery oriented service provision. The ROSSAT Assessment will be conducted onsite by a ROSSAT Consultant skilled in recovery oriented practice and organisational systems.
2. Recommendations & Planning
Organisations will receive a tailored Assessment Report designed to guide them through the development of a comprehensive action plan to enhance recovery oriented service provision at both individual practice and systems levels.
3. Implementation
The ROSSAT Consultant is available to support organisations to implement policy, practice and systems changes in line with identified areas for development in recovery orientated approaches.
For more information, please contact us on 02 9060 9627 or email