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The community managed mental health sector is a key provider of mental health services and supports to people in the community.

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Mental Health Rights Manual

An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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Recovery Oriented Language Guide

Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.

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Registered training

Build on your lived experience or on-the-job experience and receive a nationally recognised qualification.

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Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.

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Our members

Our members are community managed mental health organisations, large and small, local and NSW-wide service providers.

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Join a strong network of community-based mental health organisations delivering better outcomes for people in New South Wales.

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Peaks’ Submission to Civil and Administrative Tribunal Review on Guardianship

MHCC collaborated with five other peaks led by the Council for Intellectual Disability, to reflect on the Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act and the Guardianship Division. The Guardianship Division protects the rights of people with disability with processes that maximise inclusion. The submission outlines three key provisions that need protecting.

February 2020


Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health: Draft Report

MHCC’s submission emphasises the role psychosocial support services play in providing much more than services complementing clinical services. These services have a role vital to supporting recovery for people living with enduring mental health conditions by working with people over the long term to address more than just the symptoms of illness. They are often the key to people living well in the community. MHCC recommends expansion of CMO mental health support services and additional funding.

January 2020


NSW Department of Justice: Defences and Partial Defences Consultation

MHCC has provided comment to the Defences and Partial Defences: Consultation Paper, which is part of the ongoing review of the NSW Mental Health Forensic Provisions Act. The matters discussed included issues surrounding the way ‘special verdicts’ are dealt with as well as finalising terminology that better expresses the objects of the Act.

July 2019


Draft NSW Mental Health Regulation 2019

The Regulation includes a range of provisions that support the NSW Mental Health Act. MHCC were asked to review the draft amendments to the Regulations to be appealed in September 2019. Whilst substantially the same MHCC commented on a few changes that we believed could be further clarified.

June 2019


5 Year Statutory Review: NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013

MHCC urged the Department of Justice to maintain a number of features to NSW Guardianship hearings which other jurisdictions in Australia have dropped. We believe these elements are critical to better enabling people with complex conditions, their families and support persons to participate in hearings; supported by tribunal members who have the skills to make appropriate guardianship and administrative orders.

June 2019


Productivity Commission Inquiry into Mental Health

After consulting members, our submission focused on community-managed mental health sector delivery of psychosocial support services in NSW. It also commented on broader issues concerning the interface between sectors and the NDIS, NDIS workforce and service gaps. The submission argues the mental health system needs more resources and a shift in emphasis from hospital treatment towards prevention, early intervention and community based support. It makes 11 recommendations, including that funding and policy ensures a skilled and community based mental health workforce.

April 2019


Definitions of Mental Health Impairment and Cognitive Impairment: Consultation Paper

MHCC provided comment to NSW Department of Justice on defining Mental Health Impairment and Cognitive Impairment, agreeing with the position that amendments to the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 should not specifically refer to personality disorders as either in or out, to avoid excluding people from genuinely needed opportunities to be diverted or to receive a NGMI finding.

March 2019


Special Commission Inquiry into the Drug ‘Ice’ – Terms of Reference

The Special Commission of Inquiry will inquire into, and report on the nature, prevalence and impact of ice in NSW; the adequacy of existing measures to tackle ice in NSW; and options to strengthen NSW’s response to ice, including law enforcement, education and treatment/rehabilitation responses. MHCC provided feedback on the draft Terms of Reference consultation process.

December 2018


Maximising the participation in guardianship proceedings: Draft guidelines

In general MHCC supported draft Guidelines that aim to maximise participation of the represented person in Australian Tribunals. Whilst the Guidelines are written for Tribunal Members, they also need to be clear to participants and their support persons. Tribunal Members need to know who can provide support to the participant prior to a hearing and whose role it is to ensure this is offered.

December 2018


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