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Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
Read moreRecovery Oriented Language Guide
Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.
See the guideOnline via Zoom
The LGBTQ+ Inclusive & Affirming Practice Guidelines is developed by ACON, Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC), the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA), and the Central Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN) to support alcohol and other drugs and mental health workers in the provision of LGBTQ+ inclusive practice.
Join the launch of the revised Guidelines where representatives from ACON, MHCC, NADA and CESPHN will speak to the importance of LGBTQ+ inclusion and affirmation and invite discussion about how best to incorporate practices of LGBTQ+ inclusion and affirmation in routine service provision.
Thursday 16 February