Mental Health Coordinating Council is the leading voice for community-managed mental health organisations in New South Wales, championing best practice among member organisations across the state.
Through advocacy, we drive forward legislative and policy reform and systemic change that promotes improved health and wellbeing in the communities.
As a registered training organisation, we provide accredited training programs that supports organisations and individuals to deliver high quality mental health and related psychosocial and rehabilitation services.
People living with mental health challenges have access to quality support and opportunities to live meaningful lives.
Provide leadership, advocacy and education, and promote cross-sector collaboration that cultivates a workforce that is skilled and sustained to deliver safe and supportive care.
Mental Health Coordinating Council’s Strategic Plan 2024-2027 defines clear priorities and actions to advance the community-managed mental health sector over the next three years.
The plan emerged from extensive consultation with internal and external stakeholders, whose expertise and insights were sought across a broad spectrum of issues.
Providing a strong voice for community-managed mental health organisations and advocating for co-designed services.
Building capacity by cultivating a skilled and sustainable workforce, promoting a best-practice approach and by embedding research and data collection in organisational evaluation and funding programs.
Providing effective leadership by upholding robust governance, financial discipline and informed decision-making.
Under each pillar, strategic initiatives have been outlined to drive meaningful change.
Language Disclaimer
Mental Health Coordinating Council acknowledge the differences in the language and terminology used across the mental health, health, disability and other human services sectors. Likewise, across many disciplines, mental health practitioners and workers quite confusingly use different terminology and forms of expression. Throughout all our work MHCC endeavours to be consistent but sensitive to language used in a particular context. For the purposes of our Strategic Plan, we have used the term ‘people living with mental health challenges’ rather than ‘mental health conditions’ because the NSW consumer peak Being have expressed this as their preference. In some of our work more generally we will need to use other terms because of the necessity of other meaning or context.
We are ethical, transparent, accountable, and respectful.
We are credible, creative, influential, and strategic.
We lead the way on sector reform, sustainability, and systems improvement.
According to our Constitution, the Board has seven to nine Elected Directors and up to two Appointed Directors.
Elected Directors on the Board are representatives of member organisations who are elected by the membership for a term of three years. Directors can renominate at the end of their term to a maximum of three successive terms. The Board meets a minimum of six times a year.
Mental Health Coordinating Council Limited (ABN 59 279 168 647 and ACN 147 598 374) is a company limited by guarantee described in this Constitution and registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Mental Health Coordinating Council was formally constituted in 1986 and is currently accredited under the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards.
Find detailed information on the work we do to support community-managed organisations.
Advocating for better policy and reform through submissions to government, human service agencies and key stakeholders.
A diverse group of people with strong skillsets to support and advocate for community mental health services in New South Wales.