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The community managed mental health sector is a key provider of mental health services and supports to people in the community.

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Mental Health Rights Manual

An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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Recovery Oriented Language Guide

Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.

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Information hub: Reviews underway 2024

Recognising the complexity, and gravity, of the number of reviews currently ongoing in the mental health sector, Mental Health Coordinating Council has compiled this status update on the most significant ongoing projects, reviews and gap analyses.

This resource page aims to streamline the information to make it as easy as possible for our members to stay up-to-date on projects that have the potential to shape the future of the sector. Check back for updates as projects and reviews progress.





National Reviews

Commonwealth Unmet Need Psychosocial Gap Analysis

Under the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement, the Australian Government along with all states and territories committed to undertaking further analysis of psychosocial support gaps outside of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The Psychosocial Project Group was established as a time limited group to progress this gap analysis. The outcome of their work will be used to inform future arrangements for provision of these supports.

Health Policy Analysis was selected as the primary supplier to lead the analysis, with assistance from the University of Queensland on aspects relating to the National Mental Health Service Planning Framework. MHCC CEO Dr Evelyne Tadros met with Health Policy Analysis and was involved in a number of workshops during 2023.

Through Community Mental Health Australia, Mental Health Australia, and the NSW Mental Health Alliance, MHCC advocated for the release of the report.

On 16 August 2024, Australian Health and Mental Health Ministers endorsed the report release.

Read the Analysis Report

View the Psychosocial Project Group website

See our Media Release

Update 16/08/2024

Following united advocacy efforts from key mental health organisations and peak bodies including MHCC, the Analysis of unmet need for psychosocial supports outside of the National Disability Insurance Scheme – Final Report was launched on 16 August 2024 at the landmark Health and Mental Health Ministers Meeting with all states, territories and the Australian Government.

The report estimates in 2022-23, 493,600 people (aged 12-64 years) with severe and moderate mental health challenges across Australia had an unmet need for psychosocial supports.

Australian Health Ministers have released a joint statement on the report noting the implications for future reform and investments in psychosocial supports, in line with the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement’s commitments and taking into consideration the broader reform landscape. Ministers remain committed to partnering with the mental health sector, including people with lived and living experience and First Nations Australians, on the design and implementation of psychosocial supports.

Update 17/04/2024

This analysis was originally expected to be completed by March 2024. MHCC understands consultations on this work have been completed nationally and with every State and Territory over February to March 2024, with an interim report considered by Senior Officials. The final analysis is now anticipated to be completed in mid-May 2024 to allow time to incorporate feedback, including from the consultations, and further data and analysis. MHCC is advised that publication of the unmet need analysis findings will be a matter for all governments to consider when the analysis is completed.

Update 04/03/2024

HPA conducted the second workshop on 26 February 2024. HPA continue to quantify the unmet psychosocial needs for people with mental health conditions outside of the NDIS.

The session provided an update on the methods of estimating levels of need for psychosocial support for the state/territory population as determined by the National Mental Health Service Planning Framework (NMHSF). Data was also presented on: NDIS participation, state and Commonwealth (including PHN) funded psychosocial support services, assumptions made in analysis, interpretations and potential gaps.

MHCC expressed concerns around the limitations of the NMSPF which is unlikely to include clinical service provision often offered within psychosocial support.

Update 01/02/2024

Health Policy Analysis through NSW Ministry of Health is facilitating a workshop on the 26th of February which MHCC’s CEO will attend. HPA has completed analysis of current service activity and estimates of need and is seeking feedback from stakeholders. The workshop’s purpose will be to:

A. Consider NSW data related to service activity including:

i. Overall initial estimates for NSW
ii. Assumptions made in interpreting data
iii. Identifying sensitivity analysis that may be required

B. Present estimates of need for psychosocial support at a regional level within NSW as estimated using the National Mental Health Services Planning Framework.

C. Present the data visualisation tool to obtain feedback on design and functionality.

Update 14/12/2023

Here you can find a link to the Consultation Workshop 1 summary report as well as other key project updates.

National Disability Insurance Scheme Review

Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill Shorten announced a review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in October 2022. 

The NDIS Review is looking into the design, operations and sustainability of the NDIS. It will also look at ways to make the market and workforce more responsive, supportive and sustainable.

MHCC provided a response to the NDIS Review, supporting a submission made by the Australian Psychosocial Alliance. Our submission draws out additional areas of interest, including issues around regulated and unregistered providers, workforce issues and concerns around gaps in the availability of Tier 2 Psychosocial Support Programs.

Read MHCC’s submission to the NDIS Review

Update 04/09/2024

The Australian Government has commenced public consultation on the design of General Foundational Supports for people with disability under 65 years. General supports include information and guidance, peer supports and capacity building that help people engage in the community and make decisions about matters that affect them.

Targeted Foundational Supports which include psychosocial disability supports, aimed at people with disability who are not eligible for the NDIS, will be open for consultation commencing October.

Public consultation with people with lived experience and their families, carers, disability organisations, along with the broader sector will help inform what additional supports should look like and how they can best be delivered in the future.

The Department of Social Services is hosting a webinar on the different types of foundational supports and upcoming opportunities to contribute to the national public consultations. The webinar takes place Friday 20 September 12:00pm-1:00pm (AEST), register here.

There are many ways to take part in upcoming consultations, including:
• Attend an online or face-to-face event
• Add to an Ideas Wall
• Complete an online questionnaire or discussion paper submission.

Visit DSS Engage for more information.

Update 01/02/2024

The Federal Government has announced that it will invest $11.6 million over two years to develop and implement the Foundational Supports Strategy, a key recommendation from the NDIS Review Final Report in developing a unified system of support for people with disability (NDIS participants and non-participants alike). The National Cabinet had previously agreed to share the costs for these new foundational supports 50:50.

Funding from this Government investment will go towards support and design consultation on accessing the NDIS, developing the best practice model for early childhood supports, improving ways to access and pay for supports, and increase home and living options.

Assessment of unmet need for psychosocial support outside the NDIS in all jurisdictions is still targeted for completion in March 2024. Consideration of The Strategy is scheduled for the second half of 2024 by the National Cabinet.

Mental Health Coordinating Council will continue to consult with members, interested stakeholders and other advocacy groups to ensure that our position represents consensus on Psychosocial Support needs both inside and outside of the NDIS. Regular updates on the most significant ongoing reviews, projects, and gap analyses for the sector will be added to this Information hub for ease of reference

Update 07/12/2023

The Final Report from the NDIS Review has been released. The Review makes 26 recommendations with 139 actions to change the system that supports people with disability.

You can read the NDIS Review Final Report in full here.

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established in April 2019 in response to community concern regarding reports of neglect, abuse and exploitation of people living with disability. The Disability Royal Commission heard about the experiences of thousands of people and those closest to them to understand past processes and facilitate the ongoing protection and best practices in reporting and responding to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability.

The Commission’s final report was presented to Parliament in September 2023 and made 222 extensive recommendations designed to achieve significant improvement in the lives of people with disability.

On 31 July 2024, the Australian Government, in collaboration with all states and territories, responded to the final report. Of the 222 recommendations, 172 fell under the Australian Government’s primary or shared responsibility with the states and territories. Out of these, 13 were accepted in full, 117 were accepted in principle, 36 are under consideration, and 6 were noted.

The recommendations embed human rights of people with disability in government policy and practices and ensure respect for their inherent dignity and individual autonomy. If implemented, these recommendations will help prevent violence against and abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people with disability.

Update 07/08/2024

Following the Australian Government’s announcement on accepting 13 recommendations out of 222 from the Disability Royal Commission’s final report, MHCC has identified 74 key recommendations that align with the actions in our Summary report to achieve transformational reform and meaningful outcomes for people living with mental health challenges and psychosocial disability. These recommendations will also strengthen the community-managed mental health services that support them. Alarmingly, we found only seven of these recommendations have been fully accepted. Read more here.

Update 08/11/2023

Mental Health Coordinating Council has written an Overview and Summary of the Disability Royal Commission in relation to people experiencing mental health conditions and living with psychosocial disability. You can read it in full here: Unpacking the Disability Royal Commission.

Better Access Evaluation

Better Access gives Medicare rebates to people with an assessed mental health challenge, so they can access appropriate mental health care. The Better Access initiative was independently evaluated to assess its effectiveness in improving outcomes and increasing access to mental health care. The evaluation began in August 2021 and the final report was completed in December 2022.

On 16 August 2024, the Australian Government responded to the final report of an independent evaluation of the Better Access scheme.

Read the Final Report

See the Australian Government’s response


New South Wales Psychosocial Research Project

Public policy consultant and Black Dog Institute Board Member David McGrath recently conducted an Unmet Needs Report for Psychosocial Support Services in South Australia. NSW Ministry of Health has contracted David McGrath to conduct a similar analysis in NSW. 

The NSW Mental Health Branch, Ministry of Health has engaged David McGrath to conduct the NSW Psychosocial Research Project, which will examine unmet need for psychosocial supports in NSW outside of the NDIS.

A Psychosocial Research Project Advisory Group has been set up as part of the review to:

  • provide advice to the consultant on which psychosocial supports should be included in the NSW Psychosocial Research Project
  • test assumptions on the methodology for the mapping and unmet needs analysis proposed by the consultant
  • review and provide feedback on analysis and reports prepared by the consultant.


MHCC’s CEO  Dr Evelyne Tadros sits on the NSW Psychosocial Research Project Advisory Group and will inform this process. It is understood the work of the gap analysis will help inform the upcoming procurement process for the Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI) and Community Living Supports (CLS) psychosocial support programs.

Read the SA gap analysis report

Update 27/11/2023

NSW Psychosocial Research Project key funders have been contacted to provide information on the psychosocial support programs they fund with responses due 1 December 2023. Q&A sessions for LHD and PHNs will then be scheduled before the end of the year.

Once funders have responded, NSW Psychosocial Research Project Advisory Group members will be consulted on which programs/supports they think should be in scope for the research project. Gap analysis and modelling between the current supports and demand (as identified through the National Mental Health Services Planning Framework) will then be undertaken.

Preliminary findings will be shared with the Advisory Group before discussion takes place in late 2023 or early 2024.

Inquiry into the equity, accessibility and appropriate delivery of outpatient and community mental health care in New South Wales

The NSW Legislative Council Inquiry was established in July 2023 to inquire into and report on the equity, accessibility and appropriate delivery of outpatient and community mental health care in NSW.

The wide-ranging Inquiry examines a broad scoop of issues related to mental health in NSW.

The Inquiry examines issues ranging from workforce to access to outpatient mental health services, Community Treatment Orders, benefits and risks of online and telehealth services, accessibility and cultural safety of mental health services for First Nations peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTQIA+ communities, people with disability and young people. The inquiry will also look at alternatives to police for emergency responses.

In response to the Inquiry, MHCC sought feedback from the sector on the issues raised in the terms of reference. These perspectives have formed the basis of our submission to the Inquiry.

Read the Inquiry report

Read MHCC’s submission to the Inquiry

Find out more about the NSW Mental Health Inquiry

Mental Health Alliance: Gap Analysis of Ambulatory Care and Clinical services

This gap analysis of ambulatory care and clinical services was proposed by the Mental Health Alliance to examine specialised mental health care provided by public community mental health care services and hospital based out-patient ambulatory care services. It does not include psychosocial services.

The review was endorsed and prioritised by Mental Health Minister Rose Jackson and sponsored by Deputy Secretary Health System Strategy and Patient Experience Deb Wilcox.


Minister Jackson has indicated she wants to reduce and avoid duplicating services funded federally, and is undertaking this comprehensive analysis of clinical service gaps. In addition, the Minister is expecting the NSW Psychosocial Research Project to identify deficiencies in public community-based mental health services and where money should be spent.

This review is scheduled to be completed in November 2023.

Find out more about the Alliance for Mental Health

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