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In 2024, Mental Health Coordinating Council and the Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies held a unique and valuable cross-sector symposium, attended in-person and online across New South Wales.
Collaborative Connections: Mental Health and AOD Symposium allowed the mental health and alcohol and other drugs sectors to come together to strengthen relationships and showcase progress and achievements.
Possessing many shared goals and objectives as the peak bodies, MHCC and NADA have had a fruitful history of working together to support the community managed sectors. It was evident on the day that there is a strong appetite for continuing the improvement of sector synergy.
Read the Symposium Report or access the recordings below.
Dr Robert Stirling, NADA CEO and Dr Evelyne Tadros, MHCC CEO, addressed the audience of Collaborative Connections: Mental Health & AOD Symposium 2024.
The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC, Minister for Mental Health, addressed attendees, speaking to the need for cross-sector collaboration.
Passionate advocate within the Hearing Voices Movement and experienced Community Support Worker, Kellie Stastny, grounded the Symposium with her lived expertise keynote presentation.
‘Substance Use is Not My Problem’ – Keynote from specialist psychiatrist Dr Lisa Juckes, Uniting NSW.ACT.
NADA Deputy CEO Chris Keyes facilitated a panel discussion with three sector leaders within mental health and AOD in NSW: Odyssey House CEO Carmel Tebbutt, Kedesh Rehabilitation Services Community Access Coordinator Ellen Horspool and The Buttery CEO Leone Crayden spoke to the challenges and things working well in their means of supporting co-occurring needs.
SDECC Clinical Director Belinda Volkov and The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use Senior Project Officer Tanaya Narbey discussed the highly regarded ‘Co-occurring Guidelines’ developed by The Matilda Centre and SDECC as a case example of success in integrating the Guidelines into service delivery.
ICLA Senior Manager Zoe Blome and Weave Program Manager Dylan Clay presented on the innovative ways their organisations are delivering supports in the community.
Alex Dangaard, Counsellor from Lives Lived Well, provided a lived expertise reflection of the day.
NADA CEO Dr Robert Stirling and MHCC CEO Dr Evelyne Tadros close Collaborative Connections: Mental Health & AOD Symposium 2024 with their reflections on the day and hopes for next steps.