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Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
Read morePsychological Safety in the Workplace
Feeling safe and empowered to speak up in the workplace is even more important for mental health settings.
See the guidesMental Health Peer Navigation
New accredited training for peer workers to support consumers with navigating the mental health system for their recovery journey.
Read moreCustomised training
Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.
Read moreNSW Ministry of Health, Mental Health Branch is conducting a Mental Health Training Needs Analysis to prioritise training topics for the next five years.
The survey will benefit health, education and social sector workforces under the draft NSW Strategic Framework for Mental Health and Workforce Plan 2018-2022. It will also assist agencies intending to up-skill workforces in mental health. The survey is for mental health and general health workforces. Closes 17 August
In addition to the survey, CMO staff are invited to explore what training you and your organisation need to improve services for people living with mental health conditions and psychosocial disability. Feedback from the focus group will combine with survey findings to inform NSW Health on training needs over the next five years.
Sandra Heriot, on behalf of NSW Ministry of Health, Mental Health Branch.
Email or phone 0427 640 447
Focus group location
Friday 24 August, 10-11.30am, MHCC, Ground Floor, Building 125, Lilyfield (Cnr Church and Glover Sts)