Who We Are arrow

About the sector

The community managed mental health sector is a key provider of mental health services and supports to people in the community.

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Annual Reports

Find detailed information on the work we do to support the community managed mental health sector.

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News & Events arrow

Latest news

Catch up on all the latest news and stories from the community-based mental health sector.

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Sector events

Discover a range of ways to connect and learn through our events, forums and talks.

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Our Work arrow

Mental Health Rights Manual

An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Feeling safe and empowered to speak up in the workplace is even more important for mental health settings.

See the guides

Mental Health Peer Navigation

New accredited training for peer workers to support consumers with navigating the mental health system for their recovery journey.

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Customised training

Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.

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Membership arrow

Our members

Our members are community managed mental health organisations, large and small, local and NSW-wide service providers.

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Become a member

Join a strong network of community-based mental health organisations delivering better outcomes for people in New South Wales.

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Meet your Neighbour

Community mental health networking

Meet your Neighbour networking events are a Mental Health Coordinating Council initiative designed to encourage people and organisations with an interest in mental health and wellbeing to meet, discover and connect.

Meet your Neighbour events are held regularly across Sydney and New South Wales, and co-hosted with partnering organisations.

Our networking event brings people and organisations together in their local area to share, learn and collaborate.


Who should attend

People working in mental health and wellbeing, or anyone from a community organisation, big or small, is encouraged to attend or co-host a Meet your Neighbour event with us.

Why it’s important to meet the neighbours

It’s all about community

We need a community working together to address local need and our neighbours are part of that community response. No one organisation or person can meet all the complex and diverse needs of those who come to us for support.

There is so much happening new services, new landscape & new people

The sector is so diverse and dynamic with new programs and services being established all the time in different locations and new staff coming onboard in different organisations. We all need to keep up to date with what is happening, the services available and the people behind them. This helps us have confidence in our referrals.

Everyone is important

Sometimes those of us who run small but important and effective programs either don’t think that anyone else would be interested or wonder why some people have never heard of us. Because no one size fits all in our responses, everyone is important in providing a range of services and we need to keep talking about the services we provide and keep listening to what others can do. Sharing and learning from each other helps us all grow and improve, both big and small.

What happens at Meet your Neighbour

Meet your Neighbour networking events involve:

  • Joining an open Q&A session
  • Taking part in small group discussions
  • Sharing information about your program
  • Hearing what other services in your area are doing
  • Making connections to help refer and connect people

Our networking event typically take around two hours.

Interested in becoming a co-host?

Mental Health Coordinating Council partners with co-host organisations in local communities who wish to provide the opportunity for community mental health workers to connect. Co-host organisations support the event with an appropriate venue in their local area and organise light refreshments (where it is a face-to-face event).

The rest is up to us! We organise the logistics to get people to the event, help create the connections, from circulating promotional material and managing registrations, to running the activities on the day.

To find out about upcoming Meet your Neighbours visit our Events page.

For more information or if you’re thinking about co-hosting a Meet your Neighbour in your area, contact communications@mhcc.org.au

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