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Reimagine Stage 2 has now launched – the new website is available at:
With funding through the NDIA’s Information, Linkages and Capacity building (ILC) Grants (Round 2), we have worked to ensure is more accessible to a broader range of communities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, LGBTIQA+ people and people living in rural and remote areas. Alongside these communities we have worked to co-design new resources to support others through their journey of accessing the NDIS.
Highlights of new resources include:
In addition to enhancing accessibility for diverse communities, we ran state-based peer-led networks in NSW/ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS and VIC of people living with psychosocial disability, their carers, family and professional supporters. These networks promoted the resource and supported the further development of priority skill-building areas of the website to improve general access to the NDIS for people with lived experience of mental health conditions. These national networks were directed by Peer Leaders working with their communities to share information about and forge relationships with health services, communities, community mental health services and individuals.
Building skills for the NDIS
Workshops, consultations and information sessions provided through these networks have supported ongoing development of essential skills for people wanting to or already accessing the NDIS, including self-advocacy, decision-making and self-management. Consultations informed the design of new e-learning materials for, that will support the needs of people accessing the NDIS into the future.
Highlights of new resources include:
For more information about this project please contact:
ILC Project Officer, Rebecca Lewis on 02 9555 8388 (Ext 133) or