Need help now? For crisis support call 000 in an emergency or Lifeline on 13 11 14. Find more information on our emergency contacts page.
Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
Read moreRecovery Oriented Language Guide
Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.
See the guide
Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health
Forest Road, Orange NSW 2800
Want to learn more about the CHC43515 Mental Health Peer Work qualification?
Please come along to MHCC’s FREE information session, to learn about our qualification, and if you are eligible for a subsidised place.
The FREE Get Qualified info session will answer all your questions, such as;
This info session is for anyone interested in completing a CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work.
People new to their roles and workers wanting to obtain formal recognition are highly encouraged to attend.