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The community managed mental health sector is a key provider of mental health services and supports to people in the community.

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Mental Health Rights Manual

An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.

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Recovery Oriented Language Guide

Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.

See the guide

Registered training

Build on your lived experience or on-the-job experience and receive a nationally recognised qualification.

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Contact us to design a professional development solution for your workforce and organisation.

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Our members

Our members are community managed mental health organisations, large and small, local and NSW-wide service providers.

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Join a strong network of community-based mental health organisations delivering better outcomes for people in New South Wales.

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3rd Annual Mental Health & NDIS Conference

30 March 2020 — 8:00am

Adelaide Convention Centre
North Terrace
Adelaide, SA 5000


The NDIS rollout is largely complete and as the dust settles, now is the time to look forward as to what comes next…
The past 18 months has seen the transition of people with primary psychosocial disability into the NDIS and significant changes in the interface with mental health supports and services.

Each state has had its own timings, learnings and takeaways from the NDIS national rollout. Now is the time for us to come together to share our experience to date and look at what comes next.

The Third National NDIS Mental Health Conference streams explore lived experience, innovation, human rights and the interface.

You will hear from Professor Mike Slade, Dr Louise Byrne, Gerry Naughton Strategic Advisor for Mental Health for the NDIS, Christine Morgan from National Mental Health Commission and Stephen King from the Productivity Commission.

Conference topics and streams include;
Innovation is much more than doing more with less – what is the vision for innovation? This stream show-cases innovations in service design, development and delivery in NDIS service provision as well as the wider mental health system. Examples of great co-design and co-production, driven by lived experience voice.

People want support to be holistic and relevant to their life. This stream explores the interface between NDIS and the rest of the mental health system; interfaces with primary health and health, housing, education, employment, AoD etc. Who is doing it well? How do we do it better?

Human Rights and Social Equity
Human rights are fundamental to why the community supports NDIS. How does getting human rights “right” look in the psychosocial space? How are we improving human rights in the context of – living well, economic participation, housing, education? Exploring the themes of “Safe, Helpful and Hopeful” in what and how we do business.

Lived Experience Workforce and Leadership
Supply of and demand for support provided by people with lived experience in the NDIS and the rest of the mental health system. What does it look like if we are doing it well? How far have we come already? Where to from here?

Visit the Conference website for further information: ndisnationalmentalhealthconference.com.au

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