MHCC is very aware of the impact the COVID-19 outbreak is having on the mental health sector. These are difficult times and in this rapidly changing environment, MHCC is monitoring Australian and NSW Government advice regarding COVID 19 and providing regular updates to members through our weekly e newsletter FYI . We are consulting member organisations directly about the impact COVID 19 is having on service delivery and taking these issues up with the Ministry of Health. There are some links to useful websites below.
MHCC is also putting in place appropriate arrangements internally to support our staff’s health and wellbeing while continuing to meet organisational priorities. We have postponed large events to ensure social distancing is maintained and are assessing all other events on a case by case basis and in line with advice. We are using technologies such as teleconferencing/ video conferencing rather than meeting face-to-face where possible. We are also preparing for staff to work from home if this becomes necessary. Staff are being regularly reminded of the importance of hand hygiene and additional sanitisation and cleaning of the MHCC offices have been implemented and will continue into the foreseeable future. Staff have also been reminded of MHCC policy to remain away from the office when unwell or showing any symptoms.
NDIS Website Coronavirus information
WHO has produced an info sheet on mental health considerations during the Covid-19 outbreak here.
NSW Health has up-to-the-minute information on the virus here.
NSW Mental Health Commission has a comprehensive information hub here.
National Coronavirus Helpline
For information on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), call the Australian Government’s National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.
At this time MHCC would like to thank all the staff of mental health organisations who are continuing to provide services to those in need and remind everyone that if they need additional support with their mental health at this time to contact:
Lifeline Phone: 13 11 14 or Mental Health Line Phone: 1800 011 511
The ACSC Australian Cyber Security Centre has advised that they are aware of Covid-19 themed scams being distributed via text message (among other means) offering additional advice on testing. We urge people to be cautious of clicking on links that maybe from scammers. Official text messages from Government will never contain web-links.