The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) welcomes the announcement today by the Hon. Stuart Robert MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) of the grant recipients under the Support for NDIS Providers Program. MHCC have been supported through grant funding from the Australian Government of $629,000 to implement the project ‘Embracing Change: Applying the Practice Standards in Psychosocial Disability Services.’
MHCC CEO Carmel Tebbutt said “MHCC are excited to be working with providers who support people with a psychosocial disability to better understand the NDIS practice standards through the ‘Embracing Change Project’. The project will deliver resources including webinars and a forum to create greater awareness about the practice standards and build the capacity of mental health organisations to provide consistent service delivery.”
Through the NDIS, people with a psychosocial disability have the opportunity to exercise greater choice and control over their life – a national approach to supporting their rights to access safe and high quality supports is vital.
Service providers registered with the NDIS are required to meet the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Practice Standards. These are an important benchmark for organisations to assess performance and demonstrate they provide high quality services.
As the peak body for community managed mental health organisations in NSW, MHCC has a history of successfully managing projects supporting NDIS implementation and capacity building, including the well regarded website.
Ms Tebbutt said “We will bring this expertise and passion to successfully deliver this important project.”
The project will contribute to achieving a high quality NDIS market and the benefits to stakeholders include:
Read Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, The Hon. Stuart Robert media release here
For further information contact: Carmel Tebbutt, CEO – (02) 9555 8388