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Mental Health Rights Manual
An online guide to help explain your legal and human rights in the mental health and human services systems in New South Wales.
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Words are important. The language we use and the stories we tell have great significance to all involved.
See the guideIt was a particularly special occasion at North Sydney Ministry of Health building in late January, when graduates of MHCCs Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work gathered to celebrate and receive their certificates.
Families, friends and MHCC staff joined with graduates to mark the day with inspirational messages delivered by MHCC trainer Emma Paino and Dr Karin Lines, Executive Director Mental Health Branch with Ministry of Health.
MHCC CEO Carmel Tebbutt congratulated graduates and quoted Janet Meagher AM, noting the evolution of Peer Work from what was once considered a disruptive practice to being recognised as an important part of mental health practice today. Carmel thanked the Ministry of Health for providing scholarship places in the Certificate IV courses. She noted the challenges ahead and recognised the significant achievements of graduates, who are now ready to take their part in an exciting reform process.
Dr Karin Lines proudly spoke of her association with MHCC dating back 20 years and commended MHCCs Peer Work development strategies. Dr Lines said Peer Workers were now important contributors in every local health district.
Trainer Emma Paino shared her inspirational journey, of flipping the script and her career after completing a Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work with MHCC, and MHCC Manager of Learning and Development Jenny Reid congratulated graduates and thanked staff for their invaluable behind the scenes work.